The most complete cabinet for direct proofing in trays

Allows direct proofing offering heat + humidity suitable for the dough

The solution to direct fermentation processes



Features of the direct proofing cabinet

The cabinet is designed as an easy-to-install product that is indispensable in every bakery. The generation of steam and dry heat is independently controlled. Its power provides optimal steam conditions and temperatures instantly.

  • The unit is made entirely of stainless steel plate and has four swivel castors on the base for easy moving.
  • Adjustable slides for 22 trays between 60x40 and 80x46.
  • Double glass door with aluminium frame
  • Two stainless steel heating units, housed inside the base of the cabinet.
  • Two adjustable thermostats between 30-90 ºC with their corresponding controls and operating indicator lights.


Low maintenance and easy to use (only two mechanical controls).


Simple technology with low probability of failure. Ideal equipment for those who do not want to worry about maintenance costs, complex operation...


Simple installation. Plug into the mains and it is ready to work.


Allows the use of various tray sizes. Easy change of tray size.


Design based on obtaining a high quality product at a low cost.


The solution to direct fermentation processes


Features of the direct proofing cabinet

The cabinet is designed as an easy-to-install product that is indispensable in every bakery. The generation of steam and dry heat is independently controlled. Its power provides optimal steam conditions and temperatures instantly.

  • The unit is made entirely of stainless steel plate and has four swivel castors on the base for easy moving.
  • Adjustable slides for 22 trays between 60x40 and 80x46.
  • Double glass door with aluminium frame
  • Two stainless steel heating units, housed inside the base of the cabinet.
  • Two adjustable thermostats between 30-90 ºC with their corresponding controls and operating indicator lights.


Low maintenance and easy to use (only two mechanical controls).


Simple technology with low probability of failure. Ideal equipment for those who do not want to worry about maintenance costs, complex operation...


Simple installation. Plug into the mains and it is ready to work.


Allows the use of various tray sizes. Easy change of tray size.


Design based on obtaining a high quality product at a low cost.

Save time, gain control and increase quality

Shorter preparation time

Direct fermentation does not require the preparation of a previous liquid culture, which reduces the time and labour needed to prepare the yeast prior to fermentation

Shorter preparation time

By adding the yeast directly to the wort or mash, it is possible to better control the fermentation by adjusting the amount of yeast and the fermentation temperature to obtain the desired flavour profile

Pollution reduction

By not requiring the propagation of yeast in a liquid medium, direct fermentation can reduce the risk of contamination by bacteria or other micro-organisms that could negatively affect the taste or quality of the final product

Financiado por la union europea nextgeneration
Gobierno de España
Plan de recuperacion transformacion y resiliencia
Camara comercio España
Fondos europeos

SALVA INDUSTRIAL S.L. ha participado en el Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX-Next, y ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX, así como con la cofinanciación de Fondos Europeo FEDER, habiendo contribuido según la medida de los mismos, al crecimiento económico de esta empresa, su región y de España en su conjunto


GI-636, Km 6 - Pol. 107
20100 LEZO (Guipuzcoa)

How to get here

Tel. +34 943 449 300

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