Izola Bakery

Location: San Diego - United States Sector: Bakery and pastry

What did I need?

We started with an oven at home, baking around 700 loaves of bread. But it was unfeasible to bake bread and croissants uniformly every day with the resources we had. That's why we opted for a high-volume uniform baking solution especially for bakers that would allow us to have incredible baking and repeatability.
I also needed a loyal partnership with a company that I could trust that if I had a problem I could count on them, even if it was late at night, because they are always ready to answer the phone.

What solution did Salva give you?

They offered us a technological solution with the ovens that would provide a crispy crust and a fluffy interior.

With that ability to programme and bring that baking reliability thanks to the incredible fan of the convection oven and the sole of the deck oven, it allowed us to go from knowing nothing to having a queue of people waiting, having the option to customise our baking more efficiently.


“Our Salva convection and deck oven is the heart of Izola.”

Jeffrey Lamont IZOLA Bakery
Financiado por la union europea nextgeneration
Gobierno de España
Plan de recuperacion transformacion y resiliencia
Camara comercio España
Fondos europeos

SALVA INDUSTRIAL S.L. ha participado en el Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX-Next, y ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX, así como con la cofinanciación de Fondos Europeo FEDER, habiendo contribuido según la medida de los mismos, al crecimiento económico de esta empresa, su región y de España en su conjunto


GI-636, Km 6 - Pol. 107
20100 LEZO (Guipuzcoa)

How to get here

Tel. +34 943 449 300

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