Gingko House

Location: Hong Kong - China Sector: Bakery and pastry

What did I need?

Before the Sirocco oven came along, we were using ovens made in China and Taiwan that were very complex for setting programmes in the oven.

We needed a professional bakery oven that was practical to use and baked evenly.

The operators of the bakery initially lack specialised training in the bakery/pastry sector, and therefore we requested that the execution of the baking actions should be easy to understand and execute. 

In addition, thanks to the Hong Kong Senior Employment Programme (EPEM) in which we participate, we employ people over 60 years of age in the bakery, and it was absolutely necessary that the bakery equipment, such as the Sirocco rotary oven, should have baking uniformity with simple programmes to implement.

What solution did Salva give you?

There were two main issues, simplicity of use of the rotary oven and stable baking results every day, as non-professional bakers would not have access to modify the oven programmes to adjust the baking results of the biscuits.

I must emphasise that the involvement in the installation and initial training on the operation of the oven was indispensable, very responsive and quick.

The user-friendliness of the ovens has adapted very well to operators who did not initially have professional bakery/pastry training in the bakery. The installation of the new rotary oven has enabled stable baking results with simple oven use.

I am excited about the potential of the Salva bakery equipment which gives us the opportunity to continue to innovate and delight our customers with delicious biscuits.

Gingko House Owner Gingko House
Financiado por la union europea nextgeneration
Gobierno de España
Plan de recuperacion transformacion y resiliencia
Camara comercio España
Fondos europeos

SALVA INDUSTRIAL S.L. ha participado en el Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX-Next, y ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX, así como con la cofinanciación de Fondos Europeo FEDER, habiendo contribuido según la medida de los mismos, al crecimiento económico de esta empresa, su región y de España en su conjunto


GI-636, Km 6 - Pol. 107
20100 LEZO (Guipuzcoa)

How to get here

Tel. +34 943 449 300

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